Sri Lunugala purana rajamaha vihara, which is situated gomarankadawala that is situated in trincomalee district in eastern province in sri lanka destroyed by LTTE terrorist over three decades.
At present in this vihara all buildings have destroyed. Now this vihara is being constructed newly. At this moment a new sthupa a bodhiprakara and a dhamma hall have constructed.
Now there are five Buddist Bhikkus including chief incumbent Bikkhu in this vihara. We have no avasa gruha Danasala and a shrine room. So we need to construct them it will cost around Rs 500,000.
I would like to appeal to kind donors to help me with financial assistance to construct them.
May the triple Gem bless you.
Chief incumbent.
Rev. Theripehe Indarathana.
Contact us:
T.P. : +94718178425, +94779662051
E mail:
Account No.
people's Bank 218-207-705872-7
Sampath Bank 103853382179